Controlled Foreign Companies

We have recently come across a number of clients that are unsure of Controlled Foreign Companies (CFS’s) as well as the impact this might have on their tax situation. Perhaps time for a recap: Where companies are incorporated offshore, clients often assume this automatically means that the profits/loss from that company will not be taxed…

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Turnover Tax

As part of our service offering to clients, Acredo Consulting provides regular educational information based on the most frequently asked questions from our clients. This month we have an in-depth look at Turnover Tax, a system recently implemented by SARS. Turnover Tax What is it? Turnover tax is a simplified system aimed at making it easier…

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Acredo Fiduciary

A new division of the Acredo Consulting Group comprising of a team of specialists in the area of trust administration. In conjunction with RVN Corporate Services, we specialise in Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Ownership Trusts. Visit our Fiduciary page to learn more. The Acredo Team

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